David Payette

David Payette

In 2013, David Payette left his job at an Apple Store to start a freelance web design business called Payette Forward. Figuring that “having a blog” would sound good to potential clients, one morning in August 2013, David sat down and wrote the only blog post he ever intended to write, and forgot about it. Six months later, that blog post went viral and 5 million people read it in a week.

David relocated to Maui and worked as an SEO and WordPress consultant, occasionally publishing articles on payetteforward.com. As traffic to his website continued to grow, David stepped back from client work entirely to focus on his own projects.

Currently based in New York, David has transitioned Payette Forward from a one-man operation to a small startup with team members in the United States and abroad. He and his team have recently launched BlogWinners, an online course that teaches people how to replicate David’s formula for success so that they too can enjoy the freedom of a decentralized lifestyle.
